Cadaver is a Indian Tamil Upcoming Forensic Investigative Thriller-Drama Movie which is Directed by Anoop S Panicker and Produced by Amala Paul. The Movie Story tells about that there is a Murder happen in the city but nobody knows that who is the killer, by which order killer kill the men and who is supporting him to this all murder case. The movie stars with Amala Paul, Ramdoss, Riythvika, Haris Uthaman, Athulya Ravi, Adith Arun among others. Amala Paul is playing the the lead role of Dr. Badra which Chief Police Surgeon in Tamil Nadu and she produced this movie.
Tittle | Cadaver (2022) |
Star Cast | Amala Paul, Ramdoss, Riythvika, Haris Uthaman, Athulya Ravi, Adith Arun among others. |
Genre | Thriller, Drama and suspense |
Director | Anoop S Panicker |
Producer | Amala Paul |
Co-producer | Annice Paul and Thanzeer Salim |
Executive Producer | Dinesh Kannan |
Editor | San Lokesh |
Story and Screenplay | Anoop Panicker |
Action Director | Vicky |
Music | Ranjin Raj |
Sound Design | Sync Cinema |
Sound Mixing | Aravind Menon |
DOP | Aravind Singh |
Lyrics | Kabilan and Shakthi Mahendra |
Costume Designer | Sofhiya Jenifer M. |
Written by | Abhilash Pillai |
Hair and Make Up | Vinoth Kumar |
VFX | Aksha Studios |
The Complete Cast details of Cadaver Movie are given below
Amala Paul
As Badra (Chief Police Surgeon)
As Michael
As Yet Unknown
Haris Uthaman
Athulya Ravi
As Angel
Adith Arun
As Vetri
Cadaver Movie Release Date
Cadaver Movie is going to Release on Digital Platform Disney+ Hotstar on 12 August 2022. The Movie Trailer Featuring with Amala Paul, Ramdoss, Riythvika, Haris Uthaman, Athulya Ravi, Adith Arun among others and it was released on 30 July 2022. Others details related to the Movie are given below:
Streaming Partner | Hotstar Multiplex |
Music Partner | Think Music. |
Release Date | 12 August 2022 |
Running Time | Yet to be Update |
Language | Tamil |
Subtitles | English, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada |
Country | India |
Shooting Dates | Yet to be Update |
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