Pokémon Sun, a captivating addition to the Pokémon franchise, takes players on a thrilling journey through the Alola region. While the game is filled with exciting adventures, some trainers may find themselves eager to skip the credits sequence that rolls at the end of the game. In this article, we’ll explore the methods and steps to swiftly bypass the credits in Pokémon Sun, allowing trainers to get back to their Pokémon journey without delay.
The Credits Roll: As with many Pokémon games, Pokémon Sun concludes with a credits sequence that showcases the names of the talented individuals who contributed to the creation of the game. While these credits are a nod to the hard work and dedication of the development team, some players may wish to bypass them to quickly return to the post-game content or continue their Pokémon adventure.
Natural Progression: Pokémon Sun’s credits are typically triggered after the player defeats the Pokémon League and becomes the Champion of the Alola region. Once this achievement is unlocked, the game automatically transitions to the credits sequence as part of the narrative. While this moment is significant in the storyline, players who have already experienced it may prefer to skip the credits on subsequent playthroughs or when exploring post-game content.
The “A” Button Method: Pokémon Sun allows players to expedite the credits sequence by pressing the “A” button on the Nintendo 3DS console. As the credits roll, simply press the “A” button repeatedly to speed up the text scrolling on the screen. This method doesn’t completely skip the credits but accelerates the process, allowing players to reach the end more quickly.
The “Start” Button Method: Another effective method to speed up the credits in Pokémon Sun is to press the “Start” button on the Nintendo 3DS console. Similar to the “A” button method, pressing “Start” will hasten the scrolling of text during the credits. While this method also doesn’t entirely skip the credits, it significantly shortens the time spent watching them.
Skipping the Ultra Beast Sequence: In Pokémon Sun, after becoming the Champion, players encounter an Ultra Beast sequence before the credits. Some trainers may find this sequence lengthy and wish to skip it along with the credits. Unfortunately, as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there isn’t a direct method to skip this specific sequence. Players may need to patiently wait for it to conclude before using the “A” or “Start” button methods to speed up the subsequent credits.
Post-Credits Scene: It’s important to note that there is a post-credits scene in Pokémon Sun that sets the stage for additional adventures in the Alola region. Trainers who choose to skip the credits using the “A” or “Start” button methods should be attentive to the post-credits scene, as it provides valuable context and hints at what lies ahead in the Pokémon Sun journey.
Conclusion: Speeding Through the Credits: While Pokémon Sun doesn’t offer a direct and immediate way to completely skip the credits, trainers can utilize the “A” and “Start” button methods to expedite the scrolling text and minimize the time spent watching the credits sequence. These methods allow players to swiftly resume their Pokémon adventure, explore the post-game content, or engage in other exciting activities within the Alola region. As trainers continue their pursuit of becoming Pokémon Champions, the ability to expedite certain sequences enhances the overall gaming experience.